Countdown to 5K walk

Monday, February 28, 2011

SLACKER turned

Hello, my name is Christie and I'm a slacker!

It has been 9 days since my last 5k training walk...
until this past Sunday, February 27th.   

Here in El Paso, on Sunday mornings, the city police block off a road that borders the southernmost tip of the Franklin Mountains.  The views along this route, aptly named Scenic Drive are spectacular as you travel up and along the mountain face with 360 degree views of the city of El Paso and Ciudad Juarez.  
This particular walk, on this particular morning, inspired me to take back my Mo-Jo and so I walked...

up a mountain...

in 30-40 mph winds! 
[side note: in the Southwest, we herald in Spring with "the windy season" so wind gusts from 20 mph up to 60 mph at times, is "normal" for us.  However, I'm not a native to this region, only a transient transplant, so my concept of "normal" weather keeps evolving!]

Ok, so yes regaining my Mo-Jo...I had to do something to break out of my slump.  Which in my pitiful defense, the slump was caused by a debilitatingly painful abscessed tooth.  However, once the tooth was extracted, I should have had no further complaints, as my mouth is not connected to my feet!!!

But once you get lazy and lose sight of your goal, your body relaxes out of the routine you've been conditioning it to.  Well then, it becomes a little harder to overcome that little voice that says, "Not right now, maybe later, or tomorrow...I don't FEEL like ________." [fill in the blank with anything that pertains to being a grownup!]

So, in my gusto to shock myself out of this rut, I decided to take a nice brisk walk, in some extreme conditions albeit, but I figured if I could conquer the mountain, then all the other 5k training walks would be breeze!  "HA"  I chuckle at my pun and because my awesome partner who is endeavoring to support me by walking with me up this hill and through life, was NOT enthused, to say the least!  Somebody was having a hissy fit and shockingly it wasn't me this time!

This episode sparked the beginning of a 2-day seige on our marriage, opening up a whole dialogue of communication that ended in the mutual agreement to read The Love Dare.  Day 2 and so far we're working on patience and kindness...only 38 more days to something better than we had before!

Time:  57:22.4 but not sure of the distance...I'll have to take a Scenic Drive and check my speedometer.

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